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Information on Doctoral thesis of Fellows Cao Thi Thuy Luong

1. Full name: Cao Thi Thuy Luong                                            2. Sex: Female

3. Date of birth: 26/02/1980                                                        4. Place of birth: Thai Binh

5. Admission decision number: 1697 Dated: 08/11/2013

6. Changes in academic process:

Change in thesis title:

- Old thesis title: Methods of teaching Russian grammar for non-philology students in Vietnamese universities of education at elementary level on the individualized - communicative approach through some knowledge of Russian nature and culture.

- New thesis title: Using materials about studies of Russia to increase motivation in teaching Russian grammar for non-philology students at elementary level in Vietnamese universities of education

7. Official thesis title: 

8. Major: Theory & Methodology in Teaching Russian                   

9. Code: 62140111

10. Supervisors: Dr. Vu Quoc Thai (primary), Dr Nguyen Thi Phuong Lien (second)

11. Summary of the new findings of the thesis:

The new findings of the thesis are the first time using materials about studies of Russia to increase motivation in teaching Russian grammar for non-philology students at elementary level in Vietnamese universities of education are carried out systematically and fundamentally. Besides, a collection (set) of materials about studies of Russia with its exercises for teaching Rusian grammar is suggested completely. The suggested collection will help teachers save their time and effort when they prepare materials for lessons.

12. Practical applicability, if any:

The findings of the thesis can make a contribution to improving teaching Russian grammar with a collection (set) of materials about studies of Russia with its exercises. The research materials can be of some help for lecturers, students and those who want to develop profession, extend their research area.

13. Further research directions, if any:

Compose a more complete collection of materials about studies of Russia with its exercises for teaching Rusian grammar at elementary and higher levels to increase motivation of students and save time and effort of lecturers.

14. Thesis-related publications:



Year of publication



Using games in teaching Russian grammar


Journal of Science, Hanoi Pedagogical University No 2, No 25, ISSN 1859 – 2325, 2013.


Using poems in teaching Russian grammar


Summary record of national research conference "Teaching- learning, researching Russian in Vietnam in a new period", ISBN: 978-604-62-3779-2, VNU Publisher, 2015


Songs as one of the efective ways in Russian grammar lessons


 Journal  "Khabarshy/ Vestnik", Abai Kazakh national pedagogical university, Series : Multilingual Education languages, №2 (10),  ISBN – 2307 – 7891, 2015.


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