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Information on Doctoral thesis of Fellows Trinh Thi Thanh Hue

1. Full name: Trinh Thi Thanh Hue                                               2. Sex: Female

3. Date of birth: 09/8/1986                                                         4. Place of birth: Thanh Hoa

5. Admission decision number: No. 3639/QĐ-SĐH

6. Changes in academic process: Rename thesis title in 2013

7. Official thesis title: Rayleigh waves in elastic half-spaces not free of tractions.

8. Major: Solid mechanics                                                          9. Code: 62440107

10. Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Pham Chi Vinh          

11. Summary of the new findings of the thesis

- Have been developed the polarization vector method for the case of complex Stroh matrix.

- Have been found the explicit secular equations of Rayleigh waves in compressible or incompressible anisotropic elastic half-space (orthotropic and monoclinic materials with the symmetry plane x3=0) with impedance boundary conditions.

- Have been found the explicit secular equations of Rayleigh waves in pre-stressed
 elastic half-space with impedance boundary conditions.

- Have been found  the explicit secular equations of Rayleigh waves in rotating monoclinic crystals with the symmetry plane x3=0  with impedance boundary conditions, and the explicit secular equations of Rayleigh waves in  rotating incompressible fibre-reinforced elastic  half-spaces  with impedance boundary conditions.

- Have been found the approximate secular equations of Rayleigh waves in compressible or incompressible anisotropic elastic half-spaces coated by a compressible or incompressible anisotropic elastic layer.

12. Practical applicability, if any: The obtained explicit secular equations are a powerful tool for non-destructively evaluating mechanical properties of structures before and during loading.

13. Further research directions, if any:

- Finding the explicit secular equations of Rayleigh waves in the rotating elastic half-spaces coated by a thin layer.

- Finding the explicit secular equations of Rayleigh waves in an elastic half-space contacting with another elastic half-space.

14. Thesis-related publications:

[1] Phạm Chí Vĩnh, Trịnh Thị Thanh Huệ (2013), Phương trình tán sắc xấp xỉ của sóng Rayleigh trong bán không gian đàn hồi monoclinic $x_3 = 0$  được phủ lớp mỏng đàn hồi trực hướng, Hội nghị Khoa học toàn quốc Cơ học Vật rắn biến dạng lần thứ XI, pp. 1387-1394.

[2]  Phạm Chí Vĩnh, Trịnh Thị Thanh Huệ (2015), Phương trình tán sắc xấp xỉ của sóng Rayleigh trong bán không gian đàn hồi monoclinic $x_3 = 0$ được phủ lớp mỏng đàn hồi monoclinic x3=0 không nén được, Hội nghị Khoa học toàn quốc Cơ học Vật rắn biến dạng lần thứ XII, pp. 1685-1691.

[3] Pham Chi Vinh, Trinh Thi Thanh Hue (2014), Rayleigh waves with impedance boundary conditions in anisotropic solids, Wave Motion (51), pp. 1082-1092.

[4] Pham Chi Vinh, Trinh Thi Thanh Hue (2014), Rayleigh waves with impedance boundary conditions in incompressible anisotropic half-space, International Journal of Engineering Science (85), pp. 175-185.

 Thanh Hằng - VNU HUS
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