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Information on Doctoral thesis of Fellows Vu Thi Dao

1. Full name: Vu Thi Dao                                                           2. Sex: Female 

3. Date of birth: 01/05/1982                                                       4. Place of birth: HaNoi

5. Admission decision number: 3205/QĐ-SĐH   Dated 08/11/2010

6. Changes in academic process:

According to Decision No. 1496/QĐ-ĐT dated 20/05/2011 of the Director of VNU, allowing to study English abroad for 08 months.

According to Decision No. 3729/QĐ-ĐHQGHN dated 18/10/2013 of the Director of VNU, allowing to suspend study for a period of 6 months for reasons of pregnancy.

Changed thesis title to “Techniques on the automated Test Data Generation based Models”, decision No. 365/QĐ-ĐT, signed date: 13/06/2014.

7. Official thesis title: Automated Techniques for Test Data Generation based on UML Diagrams

8. Major: Software Engineering  9. Code:   

10. Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Viet Ha

11. Summary of the new findings of the thesis:

Proposing a process for generating test data from the UML 2.0  sequence diagram and OCL. The UML 2.0 sequence diagram can be applied to all twelve operators, with complex structures, nested blocks, interleaving of operators. The automated generation of test data is applied to numeric kinds of data and different dynamic structures in constraints. Test scenarios and test data can be manually converted into test scripts and then automatically executed based on automation testing tools. A support tool has been implemented and applied for several typical systems in order to show the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed method. The empirical results indicate that the proposed method generates test data with better coverage and detects more errors than some current methods in most cases.

Proposing a method for automatically generating test data from UML 2.0 sequence diagrams and class diagrams in case of loops and concurrent applications. The method for generating test scenarios can also avoid the explosion of test scenarios and detects concurrency errors in systems. Furthermore, the new point of the method is the generation of test data in testing loops. This method supports different concurrent coverage criteria and can test for deadlock-related and synchronous errors. The experiments show that the probability of finding errors in these test scenarios are better than other test methods in many cases, demonstrating the effectiveness and reliability of the proposed method experimentally.

Proposing a method for improving the automated test data generation from UML 2.0 sequence diagrams and class diagrams with string constraints. The algorithm takes control flow graphs as inputs, then proposes a test scenarios generation to avoid the explosion of test paths with the absence of data sharing points between parallel threads in applications. With those generated test scenarios, a set of string constraints and the boundaries of variables are transformed into the input format of Z3 – str solver. Compared with the current approach of the Z3-str, the dissertation  proposes reduced rules, recursive methods for search, replaceAll operators and extends the preprocessor rules for the charAt, lastindexOf, trim, startsWith and endsWith operators. Experimental results indicate that the test data generated satisfies the boundary coverage criteria and the higher coverage of test case can be found when comparing with some current existing methods.

12. Practical applicability, if any: The results in the thesis can be applied to the specification and testing of systems with concurrency, loop testing and automatic test data generation for numerical data types, dynamic structures and string constraints.

13. Further research directions, if any: Study the ability to standardize test cases generated to be performed automatically in the real system; continue to develop methods for automatically generating test data from other UML diagrams or incorporating different diagrams for better coverage; Research determines whether test scenarios are feasible or unfeasible without test data.

14. Thesis-related publications:

Vu Thi Dao, To Van Khanh va Nguyen Viet Ha (2014), “Phương pháp sinh ca kiểm thử tự động từ các mô hình thiết kế UML và ngôn ngữ ràng buộc đối tương OCL”, Chuyên san Các công trình nghiên cứu, phát triển và ứng dụng CNTT-TT, Tập V-1, số 11(31), pp. 70-82 (ISSN: 1859–3526).

 Thi Dao Vu, Pham Ngoc Hung, Viet Ha Nguyen (2015), “A Method for Automated Test Data Generation from Sequence Diagrams and Object Constraint Language”, In Proc. Of the Sixth International Symposium Information and Communication Technology (SoICT 2015),  pp. 335–441. ACM International Publishing.

 Thi Dao Vu, Pham Ngoc Hung, Viet Ha Nguyen (2016),  “Automated Testing for Java Programs with Test Cases Generation from Sequence Diagrams and Object Constraint Language” (poster), The 14th Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems - APLAS 2016.

 Thi Dao Vu, Pham Ngoc Hung, Viet Ha Nguyen (2016), “A Method for
Automated Test Cases Generation from Sequence Diagrams and Object
Constraint Language for Concurrent Programs”, VNU Journal of Science:
Computer Science and Communication Engineering, Vol. 32, No. 3 (2016), pp. 54–71 (ISSN: 0866–8612).

 Thi Dao Vu, Pham Ngoc Hung, Viet Ha Nguyen (2017), “A Method for Automated Test Cases Generation from UML Models with String Constraints”, In  Proc. Of the 9th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (ACIIDS 2017),  pp. 525–536. Springer International Publishing.


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