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Information on Doctoral thesis of Fellows Vu Thi Mai Lan

1. Full name: Vu Thi Mai Lan                  2. Gender: Female

3. Date of birth: 06 December 1975         4. Place of birth: Hanoi

5. Decision on accreditation of PhD student No.4930/ QĐ-ĐHNN dated 23/12/2013

6. Changes in the educational process: Extended learning of Decision No.2029/ QĐ-ĐHNN dated 22/ 11/ 2016.

7. Name of thesis: 越南学生汉语任务型教学设计及其应用研究

Research on Designing Task-based Teaching and Applications in Chinese Language Teaching for Vietnamese Learners

8. Major: Theory and Methodology of teaching the Chinese language.

9. Code: 9140234.01

10. Scientific supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Cam Tu Tai, PhD

11. Summary of thesis results:

- Task-based teaching is an effective way to teach Chinese, which helps improve learners' ability to use Chinese comprehensively. This method helps learners learn Chinese in the workplace environment, i.e. learners practise Chinese through assigned tasks thanks to which their Chinese proficiency, ways of thinking and interactions will improve. In the end, learners will enhance their Chinese language general skills.

- Research shows that task-based teaching demonstrates the guiding role of the lecturer and the central role of the learner, which means the focus of all teaching activities is the development of learners language ability. Lecturers need to design life-simulation tasks that meet the language needs of learners’ future life, thus helping them prepare for future language development.

- Research shows that the designing of task-based activities has to derive from how and what learners learn. Thus, task-based activities will have clear objectives and specific requirements. In addition, these activities should be interactive and realistic simulation activities.

Task-based teaching is usually implemented in three steps: (i) Pre-task (preparation phase), (ii) Task sequence (task phase), (iii) Language focus (the phase in which consolidation of the main language content has emerged). When designing learning tasks, care should be taken to ensure interoperability, interplay, context and constructiveness. Learning tasks are presented early in the learning process so learners will actively participate throughout the process. Teaching Chinese with task-based approach needs to take the language context as the pillar, the learner as the subject, tasks as the means, and cooperative interaction as the principle. Lecturers need to design linguistic contexts so that learners can understand, construct and integrate new language and speech.

12. Applicability in practice

- The research results provide a theoretical basis for research related to the application of the task-based method and the design of activities and tasks in the classroom.

- The thesis results can be applied in Chinese teaching process:

+ The research has provided a theoretical and practical basis for the application of learning tasks in the classroom.

+ The research has provided the designing of task-based activities for each language skill of the beginner.

+ The research has proposed suggestions to improve the designing of learning tasks as well as effective exploitation of the task-based method.

13. Follow-up research directions:

- Research on the designing of task-based teaching for each language skill and each learning stage of the learner.

14. Published works related to the thesis:

1. M.A Vu Phuong Thao – M.A, PhD Candidate Vu Thi Mai Lan (2015), 越南汉语教师任务型教学中的角色浅析 (2015 National Workshop on Chinese Language Teaching and Research in Vietnam: Current situation and development orientations), Hanoi National University Press: pp.359 - 362 (ISBN: 978-604-62-4007-5).

2. M.A, PhD Candidate Vu Thi Mai Lan (2016), Task-based teaching of the Chinese language at the Academy of International Studies, Journal of Science and Training, No. 6 (25) April 2016: pp. 40-45  (ISSN 1859-4395).

3. M.A, PhD Candidate Vu Thi Mai Lan (2016), Task-based teaching methodology: Notes on teaching foreign languages ​​to Vietnamese learners, Journal of Military Foreign Language Science, No. 1, May 2016, pp.60 - 63 (ISSN 2525-2232).

4. M.A, PhD Candidate Vu Thi Mai Lan (2017), On promoting pro-active learning of foreign language learners (Surveys in Chinese language classes, Academy of International Studies) (First National Science Conference for M.A and PhD students, the Hanoi National University Press: pp. 310 - 320 (ISBN: 978-604-62-9306-4).

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