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Information on Doctoral thesis of Fellows Doan Thuy Quynh

1. Full name: Doan Thuy Quynh                               2. Sex: Female

3. Date of birth: 29/07/1978                                      4. Place of birth: Nam Dinh

5. Admission decision number: 3551/QĐ-XHNV dated 29/12/2017

6. Changes in academic process: Adjusting the thesis title

- First time of adjusting

Adjusted the doctoral thesis title from “Contrastive research of lyrics in English and Vietnamese songs from 1980-2000 (Love theme)” to “Contrastive research of English song lyrics from 1980-2000 and Vietnamese translated versions (Love theme)”, Decision number: 1042/QĐ-XHNV, Dated June 22nd, 2020

- Second time of adjusting

Adjusted the doctoral thesis title from “Contrastive research of English song lyrics from 1980-2000 and Vietnamese translated versions (Love theme)” to “Translation study of English song lyrics between 1980-2000 (Love theme) into Vietnamese”, Decision number: 1450/QĐ-XHNV, Dated August 20th, 2020

7. Official thesis title: Translation study of English song lyrics between 1980-2000 (Love theme) into Vietnamese

8. Major: Comparative and contrastive linguistics

9. Code: 62 22 02 41

10. Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Phuong Thuy

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Huu Dat

11. Summary of the new findings of the thesis:

In terms of semantic translation: The findings of our research revealed that semantic translation is the mostly used strategy in translating addressing forms from Enlglish songs into Vietnamese. The research also revealed that the addressing forms anh, em were found to be the most widely used in Vietnamese versions, followed by the nouns/compound nouns (người, người yêu ...) and noun phrases (người ngồi…) and the addressing forms (đôi ta, chúng ta...). The research also indicated the impact function of these addressing forms in Vietnamese versions, which helps to create a great effect on music listeners. In addition, the research findings showed that the titles keep the same meaning as the original account for 82,25%, which proved that translators paid attention to song title translation. The song translators mainly used pragmatic translation strategy to translate titles (60,98%). Finally, the study results revealed that 35,73% of the total sentences keep the same meaning as the original. Pragmatic translation strategy was mostly used in translating sentences from the original into the targets, accounting for 91,53%. This result allows to make a remark that song translators use pragmatic translation strategy to translate the song content.

In terms of language structures, the findings of our research clarified the percentage of language structures was retained in the translated versions and how these structures were retained. Firstly, our research stated that the inversion structures were retained in Vietnamese versions with a low percentage (below 20%), which means retaining inversion structures in song translation is of great difficulty. That is, the original have combinations of inversed noun orders, the targets retain combinations of inversed noun orders, or the original have combinations of inversed adjective orders, the targets have combinations of inversed noun orders...  Secondly, the research revealed that the figure-of-speech structures in the translated versions ensure the same as those of the original with the percentage of 30,92 %. To be more specific, the original have combinations using figure of speech  like simile, metaphor, personification, metonymy…, the targets retain those ones such as simile, metaphor, personification, metonymy... The combinations using figure of speech are retained in the targets belong to the translations sharing many semantic characteristics with the original, which increase the value of the translations. Finally, for rhyming structures, the findings of the research showed that the lyrics in translated versions retain many sets of rhymes from the original (54,98% of sets of rhymes were found in the translated versions). Specifically, the original have perfect rhymes, the translated versions keeps those perfect rhymes, or the original have imperfect rhymes, the translated versions have perfect rhymes. These results allow to make a remark that song translators paid so much attention to how to translate songs with rhymes, which helps to increase the art value of the translated versions.

12. Practical applicability:

The study results of the thesis will contribute to consolidating and adding some points about the theory and methods of song-lyric translation, art-language translation. In addition, the thesis will contribute to promoting the study of translation theory of art texts (songs).

The study results of the thesis are the reference for those who research translation, song and poetry translation. The findings of this study are expected to be useful for instructors as well as learners in translation teaching and learning.

13. Suggestions research directions:

- Studying the symbols in song lyrics

- Studying the way how poetry changes to lyrics

- Studying the stylistic scale in translation when translating English song lyrics into Vietnamese

14. Thesis - related publications:

Doan Thuy Quynh (2019), “Characteristics of song translation and English - Vietnamese song translations”, VNU Journal of Foreign Studies, Vol. 35 (2), pp.80-87.

Doan Thuy Quynh (2019), “Contribution to the understanding of the English culture through the song “25 minutes”, Journal of Language and Life (4), pp.111-116.

Doan Thuy Quynh (2019), “Contribution to the understanding of rhymes in the English song My way”, National Conference, ULIS, VNU, pp. 407- 414.

Doan Thuy Quynh, Hoang Minh Nguyet (2019), “Comparing rhymes in the song lyrics “Over and Over” with rhymes in the translated version”, Journal of Lexicography & Encyclopedia – Vietnam Institute of Lexicography & Encyclopedia, (1), pp. 90-94, p. 100.

Doan Thuy Quynh (2018), “The values of rhymes in the song lyrics “Tinh Nong Chay”, International Graduate Research Symposium, ULIS VNU, Hanoi, Vietnam, pp. 556-564.

Doan Thuy Quynh (2019), “Tendency in Vietnamese-English song translation in the period 1980-2000”, International Graduate Research Symposium, ULIS VNU, October 2019, Hanoi, Vietnam, pp. 687-693.

Doan Thuy Quynh (2019), “The values of rhyme in English pop songs between 1980-2000”, Journal of Language and Life (11), pp.31-36.

段翠琼(2018),用歌曲学英语,外国英语杂志,5/2018 号,中国,第225-226页。

(Doan Thuy Quynh (2018), “Teaching some grammar structures by using English songs”, English Overseas, Vol. 10 (5), pp. 225-226)


(Doan Thuy Quynh (2018), “Some advantages of learning English through songs”, Comparative Study Of Cultural Inovation (13), pp.51-52)


 Vũ Đức Huy - VNU - USSH
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