CÁC BÀI BÁO KHOA HỌC 13:25:57 Ngày 18/04/2024 GMT+7
UV-protection characteristics of some clays

The potential of various clays including kaolin, smectite, mixed-layer series-dominated clay and mica-dominated clay to protect against ultraviolet (UV) radiation in the range 250-400nm was examined. In order to understand the UV-protection abilities of the clays, properties of the clays were also characterized. The clays blocked UV radiation and bulk Fe2O3 content played a key role in the UV-protection properties, whereby the higher the bulk Fe2O3 content, the lower the UV-transmission level. However, UV-protection ability also depended on the expandability of the clay or the combination between clay mineral and mixed ointment. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.

 Hoang-Minh T., Le T.L., Kasbohm J., Giere R.
   169.pdf    Gửi cho bạn bè
  Từ khóa : Expandability; FeO; Smectites; Ultra-violet; UV radiation; UV transmission; UV-protection; Fabrics; Kaolin; Mica; Silicate minerals; Solar radiation; Ultraviolet radiation; Clay; clay mineral; expansion; iron oxide; kaolin; mica; radiation exposure; smectite; ultraviolet radiation