CÁC BÀI BÁO KHOA HỌC 01:08:55 Ngày 25/04/2024 GMT+7
On a semilinear boundary value problem for degenerate parabolic pseudodifferential equations

A study was conducted to investigate article a semilinear boundary value problem for a degenerate parabolic pseudodifferential equation. The main result generalized the famous theorem of Agranovich and Vishik and the existence of a solution was proved using the Rothe theorem on a fixed point. The Laplace transform was also defined to find a solution to the problem. A pseudodifferential operator was considered to investigate the semilinear boundary value problem and prove the Rothe theorem on a fixed point.

 Egorova Y.V., Chuong N.M., Tuan D.A.
   327.pdf    Gửi cho bạn bè
  Từ khóa : Fixed points; Pseudo-differential operator; Pseudodifferential equations; Semilinear; Boundary value problems; Mathematical operators; Theorem proving; Laplace transforms