CÁC BÀI BÁO KHOA HỌC 18:55:46 Ngày 24/04/2024 GMT+7
Simulation and implementation of improved chaotic Colpitts circuit for UWB communications

In this paper, we develop an improved chaotic Colpitts oscillator applied to ultra wide band wireless communication system. We design, simulate and implement the improved chaotic Colpitts oscillator using Philip's wideband transistor BJT BFG425W. The numerical simulation using Matlab and circuit simulation using Advanced Design System (ADS) are also presented. The oscillator is designed based on micro-strip substrate and the simulation result of the layout approves the possibility for UWB wireless communication applications. ©2010 IEEE.

 Quyen N.X., Quyet B.T., Yem V.V., Dzung N.T., Hoang T.M.
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