CÁC BÀI BÁO KHOA HỌC 17:00:42 Ngày 25/04/2024 GMT+7
Software practices in five ASEAN countries: An exploratory study

There is a lack of published studies on software development in Southeast Asia, which is fast becoming an IT outsourcing haven. This paper presents exploratory survey and case study results on software practices of some software firms in five ASEAN countries (Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam), and provides directions for further research on software practices in the ASEAN/Southeast Asian region.

 Sison R., Jarzabek S., Hock O.S., Rivepiboon W., Hai N.N.
   619.pdf    Gửi cho bạn bè
  Từ khóa : Information technology; Outsourcing; Societies and institutions; ASEAN countries; IT outsourcing; Software firms; Software practices; Software engineering