CÁC BÀI BÁO KHOA HỌC 08:33:09 Ngày 27/04/2024 GMT+7
New spectral criteria for almost periodic solutions of evolution equation

We present a general spectral decomposition technique for bounded solutions to inhomogeneous linear periodic evolution equations of the form cursive Greek chi̇ = A(t)cursive Greek chi+f(t) (*), with f having precompact range, which is then applied to find new spectral criteria for the existence of almost periodic solutions with specific spectral properties in the resonant case where eisp(f) may intersect the spectrum of the monodromy operator P of (*) (here sp(f) denotes the Carleman spectrum of f). We show that if (*) has a bounded uniformly continuous mild solution u and σΓ(P)\eisp(f) is closed, where σΓ(P) denotes the part of σ(P) on the unit circle, then (*) has a bounded uniformly continuous mild solution w such that eisp(w) = eisp(f). Moreover, w is a "spectral component" of u. This allows us to solve the general Massera-type problem for almost periodic solutions. Various spectral criteria for the existence of almost periodic and quasi-periodic mild solutions to (*) are given.

 Naito T., Van Minh N., Shin J.S.
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