CÁC BÀI BÁO KHOA HỌC 13:06:45 Ngày 26/04/2024 GMT+7
Gluon-photon mixing in dense QCD

At high baryonic density with the formation of a diquark condensate Δ≠0, the QCD color symmetry is spontaneously broken. Being massive by the Anderson-Higgs mechanism, a gluon and photon should mix together within two linear combinations due to the color nonconservation. Consequently a gluon G̃ could decay into an e-e+ pair via its photon component. With a low invariant mass (about a few ten MeV) and an extremely narrow width peaking above the continuum background, the purely leptonic decay of a strongly interacting gluon G̃→e-+e+ constitutes a very distinctive signature of the color superconductivity phase. By a similar scenario of gluon-Z mixing, another "missing-energy" decay into invisible neutrinos Ḡ→v+v̄ could arise; its amplitude is, however, (Δ/MZ)2 power suppressed. © 2001 The American Physical Society.

 Van Hieu N., Xuan-Yem P.
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  Từ khóa : article; baryon; calculation; color; density; elementary particle; energy; gluon; lepton; low temperature; mass; mathematical model; neutrino; photon; quantum mechanics; quark; theory