CÁC BÀI BÁO KHOA HỌC 13:11:38 Ngày 24/04/2024 GMT+7
The weak conjecture on spherical classes

Let A be the mod 2 Steenrod algebra. We construct a chain-level representation of the dual of Singer's algebraic transfer, Tr*k : TorAk(F2, F2) → F2AF2[x1 , . . . , xk] which maps Singer's invariant-theoretic model of the dual of the Lambda algebra, Γk, to F2[x±11 , . . . , x±1k] and is the inclusion of the Dickson algebra, Dk ⊂ Γk, into F2[x1 , . . . , xk]. This chain-level representation allows us to confirm the weak conjecture on spherical classes (see [9]), assuming the truth of (1) either the conjecture that the Dickson invariants of at least k = 3 variables are homologically zero in TorAk(F2, F2), (2) or a conjecture on A-decomposability of the Dickson algebra in Γk. We prove the conjecture in item (1) for k = 3 and also show a weak form of the conjecture in item (2).

 Hung N.H.V.
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