CÁC BÀI BÁO KHOA HỌC 21:51:37 Ngày 23/04/2024 GMT+7
Occurrence of triassic foraminifers in carbonate deposits from the Ninh Binh area (North Vietnam) [Découverte de foraminifères du trias dans les calcaires de la région de Ninh Binh (Nord-Vietnam)]

Benthic foraminifers have been discovered in the limestones of the Dông Giao Formation, Ninh Binh area (Song Da Terrane, North Vietnam), deposited on a wide, subsident, shallow water carbonate platform. The foraminifers are of Lower Triassic (?) to Anisian age; they show affinities to coeval microfaunas from North Malaysia and the South China Block, suggesting connections during the Triassic between the different continental blocks of the Indochina Peninsula. © Académie des sciences/Elsevier, Paris.

 Martini R., Zaninetti L., Cornee J.-J., Villeneuve M., Tran N., Ta T.T.
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  Từ khóa : carbonate; foraminifera; Triassic; Vietnam