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Information on Doctoral thesis of Fellows Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy

1. Full name: Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy          
2. Sex: Female
3. Date of birh: February 08, 1977            
4. Place of birth: Hanoi, Vietnam
5. Admission decision number: 2385/SĐH dated 29/06/2007 by President of Vietnam National University, Hanoi
6. Changes in academic process:
- Change the direction of research decision number 2571/SĐH by Rector of VNU University of Science
7. Official thesis title: “Determination of viruses related human diseases on Bats in Vietnam”.
8. Major: Microbiology                       
9. Code:
10. Supervisors: Le Thi Quynh Mai, MD, Ph.D
                   Pham Van Ty, Ph.D,Prof                                    
11. Summary of the new findings of the thesis:
11.1 Identifying antibodies against Nipah, SARS –CoV, Bana, Japanese encephalitis and Chikungunya viruses in Bats species, Viet Nam, 2006-2009.
- A total 549 bat sera were tested for Nipah virus (NiV), SARS – coronavirus (SARS – CoV), Bana virus, Japanese encephalitis (JEV) and Chikungunya virus (CHIK) infection using ELISA method. Specimens were found Ab positive for NiV (6,2%), SARS – CoV (2,0%), Bana (5,5%), JEV (1,6%) and CHIK (2,0%). IgG-ELISA indicator is only valid for screening and orienting virus infection but cannot be used in the diagnosis to determine the cause of zoonotic studies (Bat species).
- Two bat’s (Roussetus lesschenaulti) sera of 549 sera total were introduced neutralizing antibody against NiV virus (0,36%) by NT50 test.
- Only one sera from Roussetus lesschenaulti bat have introduced neutralization antibody against SARS – CoV viruses (0,18%).
- There are no sera confirmed as Bana, JEV –or CHIK infections by serology testing..
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