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Information on Doctoral thesis of Fellows Nguyen Thanh Thuy

1. Full name:  Nguyen Thanh Thuy                                   2. Sex:  Male

3. Date of birth: 06/09/1976                                             4. Place of  birth:  Hanoi

5. Admission decision number:  No 3035/QĐ-ĐHQGHN, dated: 29/08/2014 by President of Vietnam National University, Hanoi.

6. Changes in academic process: Extending the study period by Decision No 533/QĐ-ĐHQGHN dated 05/02/2018 and 107/QĐ-ĐHQGHN dated 14/01/2019 by President of Vietnam National University, Hanoi.

- Returning to the place under the decision number No 2029/QĐ-KL dated 31/12/2019 by the Dean of School of Law – VNU.

      7. Official thesis title: The characteristics of parliamentary polity and application in Viet Nam

8. Major:  Theory and history of the state and the law                   9. Code:  9380101.01

10. Supervisors (Full name, academic title and degree):

- Associate Professor, Doctor Bui Xuan Duc

- Associate Professor, Doctor Dang Minh Tuan

11. Summary of the new findings of the thesis:

Research purposes is to clarify the theoretical and practical advantages of the parliamentary polity, thereby, proposing values and lessons in the construction and organization of the Government in the process of building a socialist rule of law state in Vietnam.

Research subject: (1) studying views, constitutional and legal ideas on the organization of the  parliamentary governments of a number of countries in the world; (2) studying the basic characteristics of parliamentary governments, characteristics of the Vietnamese government in terms of politics and constitution to find experiences in organizing the states in the world that can be applied in Vietnam.

Research methods: The methods of synthesis, statistics, analysis and comparison are used to review the overall situation of the research related to the topic and theoretical basis, analysis the concept, common characteristics of parliamentary polity; clarify the development trend of parliamentary polity; assess the situation, lessons learned and propose solutions to the state apparatus in Vietnam.

Main results of the thesis: (1) generalize the theories, ideologies, characteristics of parliamentary polity; (2) Analyze, generalize the development trends of the parliamentary polity and clarifying the characteristics of the state organizational structure model in Vietnam from 1946 to present; (3) Giving some suggestions and lessons learned in applying the characteristics of parliamentary polities that can be applied in Vietnam effectively  in accordance with the characteristics of Vietnam's economic, political, cultural and traditional conditions; (4) is a useful source for policy maker based on lessons learned from recent practices and trends in constitutional development, contributing to the improvement of people's sovereignty and forms of people exercise their state power; (5) ) supplements and completes research materials for students, lecturers and researchers on setting up government institutions, determining the scope of government's power and ensuring the rights and the freedom of citizens.

            12. Practical applicability, if any:  In terms of proposing the application of values, making recommendations to improve the performance of state agencies on the basis of research contents on the general parliamentary polity in general.

13. Further research directions, if any:  Continue to study more carefully, supplementing the scientific basis for recommendations on completing the apparatus of the Socialist State of Vietnam.

14. Thesis-related publications:

- Nguyen Thanh Thuy (2011), "Australian Constitution - Some applicable regulations and practices", Journal of Procuracy (21), pp. 45- 48.

- Nguyen Thanh Thuy (2019), "Characteristics of the parliamentary politic model", Journal of Procuracy (06), pp. 51-56.

- Nguyen Thanh Thuy (2019), "The National Congress: Some limitations and solutions", Journal of Labor and Society (594), pp.13-15.

(List them in chronological order)


 Nguyễn Công Thành - VNU Media
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