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Information on Doctoral thesis of Fellows Nguyen Thu Tram

1. Full name: Nguyen Thu Tram                                      2. Sex: Female

3. Date of birth: 22/03/1987                                                        4. Place of birth: Hanoi

5. Admission decision number: 1970/QĐ - ĐHKT dated 19/07/2017 of the Rector of the University of Economics and Business, VNU.

6. Changes in academic process: Decision no. 4267/QĐ - ĐHKT dated 31/12/2022 of the Rector of the University of Economics and Business - VNU on allowing Phd students extend the doctoral program.

7. Official thesis title: Lean application in Vietnamese agricultural cooperatives’ supply chain management.

8. Major: Business Administration                                               9. Code: 9340101.01

10. Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dang Minh

11. Summary of the new findings of the thesis:

- The thesis has contributed to the literature review on lean application in agricultural supply chain management, especially in Vietnam. Moreover, the thesis has offered new approach to lean application in supply chain management when it identified agricultural cooperatives played a central role in the chain, coordinating activities among participants in the chain.

- The thesis has built an analytical framework for lean application evaluation and for waste identification along the supply chain, not just at the enterprise level.

- Current state of lean management in Vietnamese agricultural cooperatives’ supply chain has been discovered at both strategic and operational level.

- Wastes in supply chain management of Vietnamese agricultural cooperatives and their root causes were explored and analyzed. The results not only confirmed previous research, but also figured out new wastes and their root causes due to unique characteristics of Vietnamese agricultural cooperatives. Factors impacting lean application in Vietnamese agricultural cooperatives supply chain management were also identified.

- The thesis has proposed solutions for lean application in Vietnamese agricultural cooperatives’ supply chain management. Solutions suggested strategic and operational steps suitable with unique characteristics of Vietnamese agricultural cooperatives to ensure long term and sustainable implementation.

Analytical frameworks, analysis and solution proposals in the thesis are built on the basis of Made in Vietnam lean management philosophy.

Practical applicability:

- Analytical framework for lean application evaluation, waste identification along the supply chain, factors impacting lean application could be used by Vietnamese agricultural cooperatives to figure out relevant information practically.

- Solutions could be applied by farmers to build up “Tam the” in joining agricultural cooperatives and supply chains, understand lean philosophy, principles and tools to identify  actively and systematically wastes and their root causes along the supply chain to choose appropriate lean tools, which will improve its productivity and quality.

Further research directions:

Further researches on individual cases of agricultural supply chain management are expected. Researches on supply chain management of Vietnamese agricultural coopeartive to realize solutions discussed in the work will be conducted.

14. Thesis-related publications:

Nguyen Thu Tram, 2021. Lean application in the agricultural supply chain management: literature review, Proceedings of  4th International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Economics, Management and Business, National Economics University Publishing House, pg. 378 - 398.

Nguyen Thu Tram, 2021. Access to formal credit of agricultural cooperatives in Vietnam: Obstacles and international lessons, Proceedings of International Conference for young researchers in economics and business, Labour Publishing House, Vol. 4, pg. 361 - 376.

Nguyễn Đăng Minh, Nguyễn Thu Trâm, 2021.Quản trị chuỗi cung ứng nông nghiệp thông minh tại Việt Nam: Thực trạng và điều kiện áp dụng, Kỷ yếu hội thảo Quốc gia “Quản trị thông minh trong môi trường phức hợp toàn cầu: Lý luận và thực tiễn”, trang 45-55.

Nguyễn Đăng Minh, Nguyễn Thu Trâm, 2021. Phân tích các lãng phí tồn tại trong hoạt động quản trị chuỗi cung ứng nông sản Việt Nam, Tạp chí Kinh tế và Kinh doanh, Vol. 3, trang 28 – 35.

Nguyen Dang Minh, Nguyen Thu Tram, 2018. Made in Vietnam lean management application for organic vegetables supply chain in Vietnam. Case study: Organic vegetables supply chain in Company A, Proceedings of Reaching Excellence in the Supply chains of the Future.

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