On August 24th, 2012, the President of Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU) signed Decision numbered 2875/QĐ-ĐBCL issuing the Annual Plan for Quality Assurance of VNU in the academic year 2012-2013 with the goal to promote quality assurance initiatives and activities to build and develop quality culture, foster responsibility of administrators and staff within VNU. In reference to international accreditation standards, the plan is developed to improve quality and effectiveness of quality assurance practices contributing to the enhancement of VNU’s national and international reputation. Chief of Office of the President, Directors of functional departments, Director of Institute for Education Quality Assurance, Leaders of constituent institutions, members of Quality Accreditation Committee are responsible for the implementation of this decision. Decision number 2785/QĐ-ĐBCL, Summative Report of Quality Assurance 2011-2012