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Viewpoint of Marxism –Leninism on the state in the process of developing the rule of law in Socialist Republic of Vietnam

1. Full name: Tran Ngoc Lieu               2. Sex: Male
3. Date of birth:   10/10/1960                 4. Place of birth: Ha Tinh
5. Admission decision number: 149/SĐH issued on July 06, 2005
6. Changes in academic process: None
7. Official thesis title: Viewpoint of Marxism –Leninism on the state in the process of developing the rule of law in Socialist Republic of Vietnam
8. Major: Dialectical materialism and Historical materialism
9: Code: 62 22 80 05
10. Supervisors: Associate professor. Bui Thanh Quat
11. Summary of the new findings of the thesis:
The thesis had suitable approach method and new interpretation method in order to get in close touch with finding out the latent contents in the theoretical heritage of Marxism –Leninism on the state aspect as the theoretical basis and methodology for developing the rule of law in Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
Through systematizing and evaluating the typical conceptions on the rule of law in the world and in Vietnam basing on the Marxism –Leninism’s overview on state aspect, the thesis proposed the denifition of “the rule of law” from Marxist politic philosophical perspective.
The thesis proposed some directions in order to continuously develop and improve the rule of law in Socialist republic of Vietnam:
Firstly, continuously renovating the theoretical thought of Vietnam Communist Party on the rule of law.
Secondly, continuously institutionalizing the people’s power to develop the law.
Thirdly, continuously developing and improving the state system and the political – social institutions so that the people’s power can be carried out.
12. Practical applicability:
* Theoretical significance
- The thesis helps to assert significance on theoretical basis and methodology of Marxism – Leninism for process of developing the rule of law in Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
- The thesis helps to develop theoretical awareness on nature of the rule of law and process of developing the rule of law in Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
*Practical significance
- The thesis can be used as the reference materials to continuously develop and improve the legitimate state of Socialist republic of Vietnam.
- The thesis can be used as the reference materials to serve researching and teaching the related subjects in majors of philosophy, politics, law, management science, .....
13. Further research directions:
- The relationship between the rule of law with civil society.
- The Impact of Vietnam traditional political culture in the progress of developing the rule of law
14. Thesis-related publications:
I. The projects researched:
1. Vietnam Communist Party – the social management subject in condition of market economy at present in Vietnam (The theme level of Vietnam National University, Hanoi, code QX-1998).
2. Viewpoint of Marxism –Leninism and Ho Chi Minh’s Thought on state and the proposed issues for developing the rule of law in Socialist Republic of Vietnam (The project of Vietnam National University, Hanoi, code QX-2003).
3. Development of the rule of law in Socialist Republic of Vietnam – Some theoretical and real aspects (the project of USSH, 2007 – 2008).
II. Publications:
1. Tran Ngoc Lieu (2004), “Some basic thoughts of K. Marx and F. Engels on state”, The Philosophical Magazine, 8, 8/2004, pp.18-23.
2. Tran Ngoc Lieu (2004), “Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts of state power belongs to the people”, The Communist Magazine, 10, 5/2004, pp.17-22.
3. Tran Ngoc Lieu (2007), “Lenin’s overview on state and aspect of developing the rule of law in Socialist Republic of Vietnam”, The Magazine of Political Theory, 6, 2007, pp. 3-7.
4. Tran Ngoc Lieu (2009), “The Denifition of the rule of law from philosophical perspective”, The Philosophical Magazine, 11/2009, pp.70-77.................................
 Tran Ngoc Lieu

 Tran Ngoc Lieu
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