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Information on doctoral thesis of fellows Dinh Kieu Chau
Dissertation title: “Communicational language on the three mass/publiccommunicational products in Vietnamese”

1. Full name: DINH KIEU CHAU                         
2. Sex: Female
3. Date of birth: 16th July, 1973                          
4. Place of birth: Hanoi
5. Admission decision number: 2387/SDH-DT dated on 29th June, 2007
6. Changes in academic process: None
7. Dissertation title: “Communicational language on the three mass/publiccommunicational products in Vietnamese”
8. Major: Theoretical Linguistics                        
9. Code:
10. Academic supervisor: Prof. Dr. Le Quang Thiem
11. Summary of the new findings of the dissertation:
            - The dissertation is the first research on communicational language in Vietnamese, which has high applicability.
            - The dissertation analyzes and summarizes the key aspects of the theories about communication, mass/public communications, relationship between communicational language and communications, and the key characteristics of communicational language.
            - Based on the pragmatic analysis of three mass/public communicational works firstly studied in Vietnam (the Advices of President Ho Chi Minh (1945-1969), The Vietnamese Slogans in French war and American war (1945 – 1975), Communication messages in community development (1998-2008)), the dissertation analyzes the theoretical aspects and practical roles and importance of communicational language in communications in Vietnamese in Vietnam.
12. Capacity of application
- A good material for teaching and studying linguistics specialization, especially applied linguistics,
- Reference for communication study and practical communication uses in community.
13. Potential research directions
- Theoretical aspects: studying effect functions of language in communication towards social demands;
- Practical aspects: application of new theories on communicational language to improve the quality of designing communication messages;
- Research extents:  application of communicational languages in other fields like arts, community development, commercial communications and marketing.
14. Publications (related to the dissertation)
Đinh Kiều Châu (1998), “Preliminary study on concepts about language and social marketing”, Ngu hoc Tre proceeding,Vietnamese Association of Linguistics, pp. 151 – 153.
Đinh Kiều Châu (1999), “A classification of linguistic and communicational information”, Ngu hoc Tre proceeding, Vietnamese Association of Linguistics, pp. 17-19.
Đinh Kiều Châu (2007), “Communicational language: language and trademark creation”, Language & Life Magazine (4), pp. 1- 4.
Đinh Kiều Châu (2008), “Understanding social communication language in the Advices of President Ho Chi Minh”, Language & Life Magazine (5), pp. 1- 5.
Đinh Kiều Châu (2009), “Some aspects in applying communication language to trademark designs in Vietnamese”, Journal of Linguistics (11), pp. 63-72.
Đinh Kiều Châu (2010), “Vietnamese slogans in Vietnam War (1945-1975): from speed acts to effect functions of language”, Conference proceeding on linguistics and languages in Vietnam, Hanoi National University Press, pp. 25-33.
Đinh Kiều Châu (2010), “Understanding social communicational languages in community development messages in health in Vietnamese”, Journal of Science, Hanoi National University press (3), pp. 23 – 28.
Đinh Kiều Châu (2011), “Communicational language through functional analysis of messages on health community development”, Lexicon and Encyclopedias Magazine (1), pp. 25-28.

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