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Information on doctoral thesis of fellows Tran Thi Hanh
Official thesis title: Changes in Thoughts of Vietnamese Confucian Scholars in the early thirty years in twentieth century.

1. Full name: Tran Thi Hanh                     
2. Sex: Female
3. Date of birth: September 26, 1971           
4. Place of birth: Ha Noi
5. Admission decision number: 2260/ SĐH                 Dated: 07/12/2006
6. Changes in academic process: None
7. Official thesis title: Changes in Thoughts of Vietnamese Confucian Scholars  in the early thirty years in  twentieth century.
8. Major: Dialectical Materialism and Historical Materialism.
9. Code : 62 22 80 05
10. Supervisors:    1. Prof.Dr. Le Van Quan
                           2. Asso.Prof.Dr. Do Thi Hoa Hoi
11. Summary of the new findings of the thesis:
From the philosophical approach, thesis clarifies the changes in thoughts of Vietnamese Confucian scholars during the historical period of the early 20th century, from the ideology of Feudal Confucians to the one of Western Democratic; from which evaluates the results and limitations of this changing process to the history of Vietnamese ideology and society in the early twentieth century.
The thesis analyzes in details the historical and logical transition steps in the thoughts of Confucian scholars, from the perception and the legitimate criticism for political - social obsolescence of Confucianism with the bad practices, oppressive evils of exploitation of the colonialism imposed for the Vietnamese People, to the acceptance and suggestion the ideological contents of politics, society, education and ethics based on the association of Eastern and Western democratic values, in order to address the core issues of the Vietnamese revolutionary in the early of the twentieth-century.
The thesis shows the differentiation of the innovation practices of the Confucian scholars in two methods: violent or nonviolent. In spite of the difference in policies and specific steps, whether the method, the purpose of the Confucian scholars is always consistent, which is to improve in all aspects of social life in the direction of progress, civilization and to bring happy, prosperous life for all people of Vietnam.
The thesis claims, changes in lives and works of the Confucian in the early twentieth century did awake the Vietnamese people’s discernment to the global advanced level. The Confucian are the vivid examples of the ideal life with dreams, lofty goals, responsibilities and the courage to devote to the country. The process of changing their mind as intermediate and necessary transition between two stages of ideological development of the Vietnamese, which is always rotates around the axis of patriotism. This process again does confirm dynamic and positive thoughts of Vietnamese people.
The thesis contributes to dialectically clarify the development in the history of Vietnamese thoughts in the early XX century with the representative class of Confucian intellectuals.
12. Practical applicability :
The thesis contributes to the study of political and social ideas in Vietnam during an important historical period - the early twentieth century.
The thesis can be used as study material and reference for those who are working in the fields of social sciences and humanities.
13. Futher research directions:
- In theoritical: studies in the historynof the philosophical ideas of Vietnam during the first half of the twentieth century.
- In practical: application in improving the quality of the undergraduate and postgraduate education.
- The scope of research can be extended to other sciences: history, literature, culture and education.
14. Thesis – related publications:
Tran Thi Hanh (2005), The patriot idea of Huynh Thuc Khang during the involvement in the irevolutionary government (1945-1947), Women's Conference The 9th Science, Hanoi in November 2004,Hanoi National University Publisher, pp.358-.372.
Tran Thi Hanh (2006), The idea of patriotism in Duy Tan tendency of Huynh Thuc Khang, Vietnamese Philosophical Thought in the Context of Introduction of the East - West Idea, Hanoi National University Publisher, pp.171-191.
Tran Thi Hanh (2006), The process of ideological change of Huynh Thuc Khang,  Journal of Philosophy, (10), pp. 56-63.
Tran Thi Hanh (2008), The Duy Tan thought of Tran Quy Cap,  Journal of Science, Social Sciences and Humanities, Hanoi National University, B 24 (4), pp. 219-225.
Tran Thi Hanh (2008), Tran Quy Cap- Thinker of Duy Tan’s Trend”, Journal of Philosophy, (12), pp. 74-78.
Tran Thi Hanh (2010), “An approach to Socialism: from the traditional ethics of Vietnam”, Proceedings of the International Seminar: Theoretical Basis of The left-wing from the Marxist perspective, Center of Policy Research, University of Social Science and Humanities and Rosa Luxembourg Foundation, The Labour Publisher, Hanoi, pp. 158-170.
Tran Thi Hanh(2011), “Thought of Fukuzawa Yukichi on human beings and its affection to the changes in thought of Vietnames Duy Tan’s Confucian in the early twentieth century”, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Hanoi National University, B 27 (1), pp. 30- 42.
Tran Thi Hanh (2011), Acquisition and toleration in thought and religion- an important feature of history of Vietnamese thought”, Proccedings of Conference: Issues in philosophy of religion today, Research Center for Contemporary Religion, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Hanoi National University, Religion Publisher,pp.305-317.

 VNU Media - Academic Affairs Department
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