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Information on Doctoral thesis of Fellows Pham Ngoc Anh

1. Full name: Pham Ngoc Anh                                        2. Sex: Male

3. Date of birth: 24/03/1971                                           4. Place of  birth: Yen Ho, Duc Tho, Ha Tinh

5. Admission decision number: 1068?QĐ-ĐT                  Dated: 9/12/2015

6. Changes in academic process:          

(List the forms of change and corresponding times)

7. Official thesis title: Develop secondary school teachers in Hanoi from a standardized viewpoint

8. Major: Education Management      9. Code:  62 14 01 14

10. Supervisors:    1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dang Xuan Hai

                              2. Assoc. Prof. Pham Van Thuan

11. Summary of the new findings of the thesis:

- Contribute to systematizing, supplementing and deepening the theory of development of teachers in general, and secondary school teachers in particular from the perspective of standardization.

- Identify the gap between the current status of current junior secondary school teachers and the requirements of junior secondary school teachers to meet the standards of secondary school teachers.

- Propose some solutions for the development of junior high school teachers in line with the context of training and fostering junior teachers in our country in the direction of standardization.

12. Practical applicability, if any: Applied to the development of secondary school teachers in Hanoi to meet the requirements of education reform.

13. Further research directions, if any:

14. Thesis-related publications:

- Pham Ngoc Anh (2014), "Situation of developing secondary school teachers in the public sector in Cau Giay District, Hanoi", Journal of Education, (Special Issue), July 2014, Tr. 27-29.

- Pham Ngoc Anh (2015), "Continue the renovation of education and training at the lower secondary level", Journal of the Communists, (No. 108), December 2015, p. 46-49.

- Pham Ngoc Anh (2016), "Some solutions to the development of junior high school teachers in Cau Giay District to meet the requirements of education reform", Journal of Education & Society, (Special Issue) 2 in 2016, Tr. 166-168.

- Pham Ngoc Anh (2016), "Solutions to the improvement in the quality of training secondary school teachers in Cau Giay District Hanoi to meet the requirements of education reform," Journal of Education & Society, ( Special Issue), June 2016, p. 197-199.

- Pham Ngoc Anh (2016), "A number of basic requirements in the development planning of junior secondary school teachers in Cau Giay District in Hanoi meet the requirements of education reform," Journal of Education, (Special Issue), September 2016, p. 26-28.

- Pham Ngoc Anh (2016), "Some solutions to fostering secondary school teachers in Hanoi according to professional standards", Journal of Education, No. 393, November 2016, p. 9-11.

- Pham Ngoc Anh (2016), "Some Measures for Examining and Assessing Lower-Secondary Teachers in Professional Standards in Hanoi", Journal of Vietnamese Teachers, 116, December 2016, Tr. 17-19


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