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Information on Doctoral thesis of Fellows Nguyen Thi Thu Hang

1. Postgraduate full name:  Nguyen Thi Thu Hang          

2. Gender: Female

3. Date of birth: 1968. 4. 29

4. Place of birth:  Ha Long - Quang Ninh

5. Recognition Decision no:  615/ QĐ-ĐT on 2014/7/30 by the Principal of  University of Education - Vietnam National University.

6. Changes during training:

- I was assigned the PhD topic: "Management of music lecturers in Vietnam universities/ academies of music associated with orientation for standardization and current educational renovation requirements meeting"

- It was permitted for me to revise the topic into: "Development of music lecturers in Vietnam academies of music in a current educational renovation context",  according to Decision no. 142/QĐ-ĐT on 2016/12/29 by the Principal of  University of Education - Vietnam National University.

7. Dissertation topic: "Development of music lecturers in Vietnam academies of music in a current educational renovation context"

8. Major:  Education management          9. Code:  9 14 01 14

10.  Doctoral advisor:

1st  doctoral advisor : Prof. PhD  Nguyen Thi My Loc

2nd doctoral advisor : Prof.  PhD  Pham Le Hoa

11. Dissertation findings summary:

a. Practically:

- Make theories and definitions related to music lecturers development systematic; Music lecturers are the most important factor in ensuring quality in music training in academies. Therefore, if  we want to raise training quality, it is necessary to improve lecturer quality first.

- Propose capability standards which are established based on educational and musical renovation requirements, lecturer roles and responsibilities and job characteristics. Thus, the dissertation fully describes all lecturer responsibilities and duties as the base for lecturer development activities.

- When developing music lecturers, we should have respect for their music talents and  provide ongoing  attention to training and nurturing musical ability for the lecturers to be able to integrate well into the current music education-training  context. Especially, enrich their political awareness and responsibilities to avoid negative effects of  music marketing in a global integration context.

b. Actually

- Make government policies on music lecturer management and the lecturers in Vietnam academies of music systematic.

-  Make survey, conduct analysis and assessment of:

 (1) Current status of music lecturers based on capability standards;


 (2) Current status of music lecturer development

+ Assess current status of music lecturer arrangement.  

+ Current status of music lecturer recruitment and using

+ Current status of music lecturer training and development

+ Current status of music lecturer assessment and selection

+ Current status of remuneration policy.

 (3) Current status of factors affecting lecturer development activity.

- The dissertation mentioned 6 solutions to music lecturer development at Vietnam academies of music in the current education renovation context, including:

Solution 1: Management department awareness raising of music lecturer development importance in Vietnam academies of music;

Solution 2: Music lecturer arrangement improvement in academies of music based on capability standards;

Solution 3: Renovation of music lecturer recruitment and using in academies of music based on capability standards;

Solution 4:  Music lecturer’s ability enhancement process establishmentin Vietnam academies of music;

Solution 5: Music lecturer assessment and selection based on capability standards;

Solution 6:  Policy improvement for music lecturers.

- Based on the proposed solutions, the dissertation checks their necessities and feasibility. The first ranked solution is to “establish music lecturer ability enhancement process at Vietnam academies of music”. The author tested the forth solution: “establish music lecturer ability enhancement process at Vietnam academies of music”. The solution testing brought some positive results showing process effectiveness for its feasible implementation at Vietnam academies of music. The proposed ability enhancement process will contribute tomusic lecturer development and management.

Thus, the above solution which the dissertation author tests is suitable for music lecturer development and can be widely applied in Vietnam academies of music.

12.  Applying the solution to practice

The solution “Music lecturer’s ability enhancement process establishment in Vietnam academies of music” contributes to training quality improvement at branches of Vietnam music academy for the current educational renovation requirements.

13. Next research orientations: continue to research multi-task oriented lecturer development.

14. Announced works related to the dissertation:

A. Articles

1. Nguyen Thi Thu Hang (2014), current music education at high schoolds in Quang Ninh province, no.58 -ISSN 1859-2910 – education management journal (education management institute – the ministry of education & training)

2. Nguyen Thi Thu Hang (2015), postgraduate training program in culture and arts with learner’s ability development approach (2015), special edition – ISSN 1859-4964 – arts education journal of national university of arts education.

3. Nguyen Thi Thu Hang (2016), music lecturer ability development for the current education renovation context (2016), no. 17 – ISSN 1859 – 4964 - arts education journal of national university of arts education.

4. Nguyen Thi Thu Hang (2017), music lecturer importance at Vietnam academies of music in the current education renovation context.

(2017) No.22 – ISSN 1859 – 4964 - arts education journal of national university of arts education.


Nguyen Thi Thu Hang (2017, participate in research), island cultural education for university students in Hanoi, a ministerial member (2016-2017); Code B2016 - GNT-04, national university of arts education.

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