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Information on Doctoral thesis of Fellows Dao Thi My Dzung

1. Full name : Dao Thi My Dung                         2. Sex: Female

3. Date of birth: 03/04/1973                                4. Place of  birth: Khanh Hoa

5. Admission decision number:   3684 /2015/QĐ-XHNV-SĐH Dated:  31/12 /2015  Signed by Rector of University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University - Hanoi.

6. Changes in academic process: None.

7. Official thesis title: Identify the interaction between Buddhist philosophy and Scientific community norms.         

8. Major: Science and Technology Management 9. Code: 934041201

10. Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Dr. MAI HA, .

11. Summary of the new findings of the thesis:               

- The author has studied the theories of: “Buddhist philosophy”, “scientific standards”, “standard deviation in the scientific community”, “the interaction between Buddhist philosophy and scientific standards”, besides, the theory of social control and the theory of social missteps ... clarifies the Buddhist conception of ethical norms ... From there, it shows the interaction between Buddhist philosophy and standards. of the scientific community and propose solutions to minimize false behavior in the scientific community.

- Contribute to clearly define the interaction between Buddhist philosophy and the standards of the scientific community.

- Proposing some major solutions to building standards of the scientific community according to Buddhist philosophy, including 3 groups of solutions to be built:

1. Solutions related to encouragement and commendation;

2. Solutions related to intervening and dealing with wrong behaviors;

3. Group of solutions related to education and propaganda to raise awareness and capacity for lecturers, researchers, monks and nuns to minimize false behavior in the scientific community.

12. Practical applicability, if any:            

- Research results contribute to improving knowledge and understanding of the interaction between Buddhist philosophy and scientific standards. The thesis helps to describe an overview of concepts, behaviors of scientific community, beliefs and Buddhism.

- The research results of the thesis can be used as a reference for individuals and organizations interested in studying Buddhism and scientific standards.

13. Further research directions, if any:               

14. Thesis-related publications:

- Dao Thi My Dung (2019), “Perceptions of lecturers, graduate students and monks and nuns about scientific standards”, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, TV (2b), pp.339-349.

- Dao Thi My Dung (2020), “Proposing solutions to prevent standard deviations in the scientific community on the basis of combined Buddhist philosophy and scientific standards”, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), ISSN: 2319-7064, Vol. 9 (12), pp.342-346.

 Thanh Hồng - VNU - USSH
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